Contact Us

Venuelife Systems Pty Ltd uses the third party entities (Sub-Processors) listed below to process personal data on behalf of Venuelife subscribers in accordance with the Venue Terms and Conditions agreement and our Privacy Policy.

The type of personal data that the Sub-Processor has access to is limited to only what is reasonably necessary to perform the service they provide.

Third-party Sub-processors

Sub-Processor Purpose Type of personal data Location of processing Website
Active Campaign - Postmark Transactional email sending Names and email addresses provided to the venue when making a booking or registering for an event. United States
Security details
Amazon Web Services, Inc. Cloud hosting provider Personal data contained in subscriber accounts or files uploaded Australia
Compliance details
Google Data analytics IP addresses to determine broad location information Asia Pacific region, United States
Privacy and Security Details
Twilio Sendgrid Bulk email sending to event registrants Names and email addresses used to register for an event. Global
Security details


For questions and notices, please contact us at:
Venuelife Systems Pty Ltd ACN 604 167 991
51 Bendena Garden, Stanwell Tops NSW 2508

Last update:   1 May 2024